Research on Anti-LGBTQ+ Legislation
Below is a collection of articles and abstracts that document and describe the harms caused by anti-LGBTQ+ legislation to LGBTQ+ people, their families, and our society.
To learn more, you can find this research at the journals listed below.
APA Resolution on Opposing Discriminatory Laws, Policies, and Practices Aimed at LGBTQ+ Persons: (505852021-001). (2020). [Dataset].
While legislation and initiatives that discriminate against lesbians, gay men and bisexual people have been enacted for decades (Smith, 1997), there has been a dramatic increase in such enactments during the past several years. One form of these enactments has been legislation passed by states and other jurisdictions that restricts the rights of lesbians, gay men and bisexual people in a variety of spheres including limiting access to the rights and responsibilities of marriage, restricting parental rights, and constraining access to legal recourse in the face of discrimination. The other major form of restrictive legal enactments has been popular initiatives proposing amendments to state constitutions that also result in restrictions on marriage and/or parenting rights or recourse in the face of discrimination. Some of the laws resulting from such legislation or initiatives also place restrictions on the rights of same-sex couples to enter into contractual arrangements of various kinds (e.g., Davidoff, 2006; Gay marriage ban goes too far, 2006).
Australian Psychological Society. (n.d.) Tips for psychologists working with LGBTQI+ people and communities during the marriage equality debate [Fact Sheet]. The Australian Psychological Society Limited. 49ad-b55a-dfc8832fdd4c/aps-tips-for-psychologists-working-with-lgbtqi-amended.pdf
Building the capacity of psychologists and others to work effectively with LGBTQI+ clients is very important, and particularly so in the aftermath of the marriage equality postal survey and debates in Parliament. Whilst the passing of marriage equality legislation in Australia is an extremely welcome outcome, the damaging nature of the debate and the campaigning it involved has been detrimental to the health and wellbeing of many LGBTQI+ people and families. A number of agencies reported an increased demand for psychological support services from members of the LGBTQI+ community.
Bochicchio, L., Carmichael, A. J., Veldhuis, C., & Stefancic, A. (2023). What we lose when we 'don’t say gay’: Generational shifts in sexual identity and gender. Social Work, 68(2), 159–165.
At a time when anti-LGBTQ+ legislation is on the rise in more than a dozen states across the United States, social work providers and researchers must be acutely aware of the ways in which their practice may unintentionally invalidate the identities of LGBTQ+ youth. Concurrently, language used in the LGBTQ+ youth community to describe both sexual identity and gender has moved away from monosexual and binary labels toward nonmonosexual and nonbinary descriptions. The adoption of such language, in practice and in research, is a simple step toward combatting invalidation in the social work field. This commentary explores the expansion of identity labels through the lens of a study conducted across four leading LGBTQ+ agencies in New York and New Jersey with youth and staff. Authors review data that demonstrate the evolution of labels and argue that adopting these terms in practice and research will have fruitful and affirming effects on access to care, treatment attrition, and the design and quality of research in and for the LGBTQ+ community. This shift in language must be comprehensively addressed to ensure that practice and research continue to adopt and advocate for ways to affirm LGBTQ+ people, particularly given the recent onslaught of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation.
Cahill, S. R., & Makadon, H. J. (2017). If They Don’t Count Us, We Don’t Count: Trump Administration Rolls Back Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Data Collection. LGBT Health, 4(3), 171–173.
The Trump Administration recently removed sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) questions from a national aging survey and decided not to add a sexual orientation category and a transgender identity field to a national disability survey as planned. These actions have raised concerns that the major expansion of SOGI data collection on surveys and in clinical settings, which has occurred in recent years, may be under threat. SOGI data collection is essential to understand lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) health and the extent to which LGBT people access critical social services, including elder and disability services essential for living in community. Keywords: disparity, electronic health record, sexual orientation and gender identity data, survey.
Clark, V., Quinn, G. P., Sanchez, N. F., Domogauer, J., Scout, N. F. N., Schabath, M. B., & Brown, R. (2024). Recriminalizing LGBTQ + sexual practices: Impacts on cancer care and research. Gender Issues, 41(3).
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, or other sexual and/or gender expansive identities (LGBTQ+) in the United States are facing an insurmountable reintroduction of discriminatory and stigmatizing policies and legislation (i.e., Zombie Laws) particularly those pertaining to sexual practices, minoritized sexual orientations and gender identities, and access to equitable healthcare. This has a particularly devastating effect on cancer-related care and outcomes. Therefore, a call to action among researchers, policymakers, and activists is needed to protect LGBTQ + rights and ensure gains continue to ameliorate cancer-related health disparities.
Fenton, M. P., Seegulam, V., Antoine, J., Pham, T. N., Morris, M. R., Boren, S., & Striley, C. W. (2024). Examining the relationship between proposed anti-lgbtq+ legislation and lgbtq+ college student mental health: Findings from the healthy minds study, 2021–2022. Journal of American College Health.
Objective: This study aimed to investigate the association between proposed anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and depressive symptoms among LGBTQ+ college students. Participants: Participants (N = 72,135) included LGBTQ+ college students (N = 21,466) from over 530 colleges and universities, including technical and community institutions, across the United States who took part in the Healthy Minds Study (HMS). Methods: Data on proposed anti-LGBTQ+ legislation introduced in 2021–2022 were collected from all 50 US states, categorized, and analyzed. Individual-level data for 2021–2022 were obtained from the HMS, and a multilevel analysis was conducted to assess the association between proposed anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and depressive symptoms while considering individual factors. Results: A significant positive association between proposed anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and increased depressive symptoms among LGBTQ+ college students was found. This association remained significant after controlling for individual-level stressors and identities, including a sense of belonging, campus environment perceptions, first-generation student status, and transgender or gender non-conforming identity (TGNC). Conclusions: The findings underscore the need for mental health support and inclusive policies for LGBTQ+ college students, particularly in regions where anti-LGBTQ+ legislation is proposed or enacted, to mitigate the potential negative impact of multiple factors on their mental well-being.
Fredrick, E. G., Mann, A. K., Brooks, B. D., & Hirsch, J. K. (2022). Anticipated to Enacted: Structural Stigma Against Sexual and Gender Minorities Following the 2016 Presidential Election. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 19(1), 345–354.
Introduction Structural stigma, or stigma at a society or policy level, has a negative impact on the mental and physical health of sexual and gender minorities (SGMs). In particular, political leaders and the policies they enact can limit the resources and safety of SGM. Following the 2016 presidential election, there was fear of an increase in structural stigma in the USA. However, research on the specifics of anticipated structural stigma is lacking. Methods Using data from 187 participants who completed an online study conducted from 2016 to 2017, we used inductive thematic coding to examine anticipated structural stigma. Results We found four themes: (1) anticipated negative consequences of specific anti-SGM political figures, (2) concerns about the loss of existing SGM rights, (3) fear of new anti-SGM policies, and (4) fears of vulnerability related to limited existing protections. Conclusion We discuss how these themes tie into each other, map them onto existing structural stigma work, and use laws and policies that have been passed or proposed in the past 4 years to describe how these anticipated stigmas have become enacted. Keywords Sexual minority · Gender minority · Structural stigma · Anticipated stigma
Goldberg, A. E., Abreu, R. L., & Flores, A. R. (2024). Perceived impact of the parental rights in education act ('don’t say gay’) on LGBTQ+ parents in Florida. The Counseling Psychologist, 52(2), 224–266.
Prior studies indicate that anti-LGBTQ+ legislation has negative consequences for the well-being of LGBTQ+ people, their families, and their communities. In July of 2022, Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act, also called the 'Don’t Say Gay' bill, was signed into law. The law aimed to limit K–3 instruction and discussion related to sexuality and gender, encompassing LGBTQ+ identities. The present study surveyed 113 LGBTQ+ parents in Florida about their experiences and perceptions related to the Parental Rights in Education Act. Qualitative content analysis revealed five major themes and 14 subthemes, including: (a) living in Florida: pros and cons; (b) initial reactions to the law; (c) feelings over time; (d) coping with worries; and (e) beyond 'coping': considering the future and possibility of relocation. Recommendations center on the need for counseling psychologists to use their privilege and training to advocate on behalf of LGBTQ+ parents, families and others impacted by this legislation.
Gonzalez, K. A., Abreu, R. L., Arora, S., Lockett, G. M., & Sostre, J. (2021). “Previous resilience has taught me that I can survive anything:” LGBTQ resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 8(2), 133–144.
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has disproportionately negatively affected the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community, a group who faces identity-based marginalization in society. LGBTQ resilience narratives are important in buffering against the negative impact of minority stress, but little is known about how LGBTQ people have been resilient during the COVID-19 pandemic. The current research addresses this gap in the literature. Participants included 129 LGBTQ individuals who shared how they have been resilient during the COVID-19 pandemic. Qualitative thematic analysis revealed three COVID-19-specific resilience themes, including: (1) Previous preparation fostered resilience, (2) Radical acceptance as resilience, and (3) Resilience through providing support and building community. Discussion explores how psychologists can work with LGBTQ people to identify and cultivate resilience narratives focused on self-love, self-acceptance, radical acceptance, and community resilience.
Grzanka, P. R., Spengler, E. S., Miles, J. R., Frantell, K. A., & DeVore, E. N. (2020). “Sincerely Held Principles” or Prejudice? The Tennessee Counseling Discrimination Law. The Counseling Psychologist, 48(2), 223–248.
In 2016, Tennessee became the first state to allow counselors and therapists in private practice to deny services to any client based on the therapist’s sincerely held principles. The law’s proponents framed mental health care ethics as infringing on counselors’ religious liberties; its critics denounced the bill because it apparently targeted LGBT+ individuals. This exploratory study is the first statewide assessment of LGBT+ Tennesseans’ (N = 346) perceptions of the law and how it may affect their help-seeking attitudes and behaviors. Evidence suggests widespread awareness of the law among our respondents and deep skepticism toward mental health care. Further, most respondents view the law as cover for discrimination. We stress the need for broader research on conscience clauses and call for advocacy against these laws, which have the potential to engender widespread harm to multiple minority groups.
Horne, S. G., McGinley, M., Yel, N., & Maroney, M. R. (2022). The stench of bathroom bills and anti-transgender legislation: Anxiety and depression among transgender, nonbinary, and cisgender LGBQ people during a state referendum. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 69(1), 1–13.
Informed by structural stigma theory, this article presents the results of two studies that explored mental health experiences of transgender, nonbinary, and gender-diverse (TNG) individuals and cisgender lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer (LGBQ) individuals (N = 523) prior to and following a state referendum to remove gender-based protections. In the Preelection Study, a path model explored relationships among individual factors (i.e., TNG identity, history of gender-based victimization), interpersonal variables (i.e., Referendum familiarity, exposure to Referendum-related messages, sexual orientation, and gender identity-specific social support), and mental health factors (i.e., Referendum-related anxiety and depressive symptomatology). Referendum-related anxiety mediated the relationships between TNG identity, gender-based victimization, sexual orientation and gender identity social support, and depressive symptomatology, explaining 40% of the variance in depressive symptomatology. Postelection, a subsample of participants (N = 117) was used to test a model of differences from pre- to postelection. Neither TNG identity nor victimization predicted Postelection mental health, however, Referendum-related anxiety and depressive symptomatology were significantly lower following the ballot vote that retained gender-based rights. Clinical implications suggest sexual and gender minorities may report increased anxiety in the face of anti-lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) legislation, which may be associated with heightened symptoms of depression. TNG people and LGBTQ people with histories of genderbased victimization may be more at risk for mental health concerns related to anti-TNG legislation.
King, E., Hebl, M., Corrington, A., Dhanani, L., Holmes, O., Lindsey, A. P., Madera, J., Maneethai, D., Martinez, L., Ng, E. S., Nittrouer, C. L., Sabat, I., Sawyer, K., & Thoroughgood, C. (2024). Understanding and addressing the health implications of anti- LGBTQ+ legislation. Occupational Health Science, 8(1), 1–41.
In the published version, one of the authors was inadvertently omitted. The author's information is present in the erratum.] Intensifying social discourse and political movements have stalled a trajectory of increasing support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, plus (LGBTQ+) people. Emerging anti-LGBTQ+ restrictions and legislation have critical implications for organizations and workers. This anthology highlights anticipated challenges including effects on stigmatization at the individual and societal level, and negative physical and mental health-related consequences that vary across subgroups in the U.S. and beyond. In addition, this synthesis describes individual, ally, and organizational strategies for protecting and improving the health of LGBTQ+ workers. In so doing, this work provides timely, evidence-based predictions as well as recommendations to support LGBTQ+ workers.
Kuroki, M. (2021). The rise in extreme mental distress among LGBT people during Trump’s rise and presidency. Economics & Human Biology, 43, 101034.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) advocates argue that President Donald Trump’s 2016 election victory and his administration's agenda raised concerns about changes to legal rights and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Using data on more than one million randomly sampled people during 2014–2020, this study estimates event study and difference-indifferences models to examine whether the prevalence of extreme mental distress (the percentage who reported major mental and emotional problems in all 30 of the last 30 days) increased among LGBT people relative to non-LGBT people after Trump became the Republican presidential frontrunner in early 2016. The difference-in-differences estimate indicates that the extreme mental distress gap between LGBT people and non-LGBT people increased from 1.8 percentage points during 2014–2015 to 3.8 percentage points after Trump’s presidency became a real possibility in early 2016.
Arm, J. R., Horne, S. G., & Levitt, H. M. (2009). Negotiating connection to GLBT experience: Family members’ experience of anti-GLBT movements and policies. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 56(1), 82–96.
There have been numerous legislative initiatives to limit gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) people's rights at local, state, and national levels (G. M. Herek, 2006). Although research has focused on how GLBT people are affected by these initiatives, to date no research has explored the impact of this legislation upon the families of origin of GLBT people. This qualitative study sought to explore this topic. Through use of grounded theory methodology (B. G. Glaser & A. L. Strauss, 1967), 10 family members of GLBT people living in a state facing a marriage amendment to limit marriage to heterosexual couples were interviewed. All participants interviewed for this study were supportive of their GLBT relative. The results of this study reflected that anti-GLBT movements and policies affected participants' personal relationships, mental and physical health, perspectives about their country and government, and hopes about the future. Movements and policies shaped personal identity and beliefs for some participants. The clusters, underlying categories and a core category of this study, Negotiating My Connection to GLBT experience, are described with implications for counseling psychologists and other mental health professionals.
Levitt, H. M., Ovrebo, E., Anderson-Cleveland, M. B., Leone, C., Jeong, J. Y., Arm, J. R., Bonin, B. P., Cicala, J., Coleman, R., Laurie, A., Vardaman, J. M., & Horne, S. G. (2009). Balancing dangers: GLBT experience in a time of anti-GLBT legislation. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 56(1), 67–81.
In the past few years, 26 states have changed their constitutions to restrict marriage to one man and one woman. There has been little research on the psychological effects of this political process on gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) people. In this qualitative project, 13 GLBT people were interviewed about their experience during the process of a constitutional amendment. A grounded theory analysis of these semistructured interviews was conducted. The core category, or central finding, was 'GLBT people need to balance the dual dangers of engagement with GLBT advocacy and self-protection through withdrawal.' Other findings focused on the experience of living in a context of painful reminders that one is seen as less than human by the government and public, and in which one's life is frequently and publicly misrepresented to advance hostile political campaigns. Social support and a process of self-acceptance helped participants to face their fears of isolation, discrimination, and aggression and to fight for social justice.
Levitt, H. M., Schuyler, S. W., Chickerella, R., Elber, A., White, L., Troeger, R. L., Karter, J. M., Preston, J. M., & Collins, K. M. (2020). How discrimination in adoptive, foster, and medical systems harms LGBTQ+ families: Research on the experiences of prospective parents. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services: The Quarterly Journal of Community & Clinical Practice, 32(3), 261–282.
LGBTQ + people face multiple challenges to parenthood because of barriers such as discriminatory legislation and policies influencing foster parenting, adoption, and reproductive health services. This study documents these obstacles and examines their impact through a grounded theory analysis of interviews of LGBTQ + prospective parents. Stressors included social isolation, unnecessary medicalization, prohibitive financial costs related to accessing social and medical services (sometimes across state lines), and being denied services, parental leave, and insurance coverage. Findings indicate that heteronormative attitudes and discrimination can lead to debilitating and enduring harm upon the economic, emotional, and relational well-being of growing LGBTQ + families.
Price, S. F., Puckett, J., & Mocarski, R. (2021). The Impact of the 2016 US Presidential
Elections on Transgender and Gender Diverse People. Sexuality Research and Social
Policy, 18(4), 1094–1103.
Introduction With Trump’s presidency came a rise in the oppression of transgender and gender diverse (TGD) people, as the nation witnessed a removal of protections for TGD people. Methods We examined the daily experiences of 181 TGD individuals (ages 16–40, M age=25.6) through their reflections about daily stressors over the course of 8 weeks (data collected fall 2015–summer 2017), some of which reflected shifts during the election period. Results During the 2016 presidential election, participants reported a rise in marginalization stress and the subsequent impact on safety, mental health, and well-being. There were three emergent themes: External Rejection and Stigma from Dominant Culture; Supporting the TGD Community; and Fear for the Self and Development of Proximal Stressors. Conclusions In line with marginalization stress theory, participants vocalized the progression from exterior stigmatization to proximal stressors and their heightened sense of vigilance and fear of the dominant culture. Policy Implications Based on the results of this study, policy makers and TGD advocates must work to ensure that political rhetoric and action do not serve to further marginalize and erase TGD communities.
Riggle, E. D. B., Drabble, L. A., Matthews, A. K., Veldhuis, C. B., Nisi, R. A., & Hughes, T. L.
(2021). First Comes Marriage, Then Comes the Election: Macro-level Event Impacts on
African American, Latina/x, and White Sexual Minority Women. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 18(1), 112–126.
Introduction Sexual minority women (SMW) may have different experiences of macro-level events, such as changes in marriage laws or election outcomes, related to their multiple identities. African American, Latina/x, and White identities intersect with gender/sex and sexual identity to influence experiences at the intrapersonal, interpersonal, social, and political levels of the socio-ecological environment. Methods Participants include 100 African American, 35 Latina/x, and 164 White SMW (N=299) in wave 4 (2017–2019) of a longitudinal study of SMW’s health conducted in the USA (Chicago Health and Life Experiences of Women Study). Responses to nine open-ended survey questions about marriage equality and the 2016 Presidential election were examined. Results Thematic analysis noted similarities across groups and focused on group differences in four areas: (1) personal well-being (including fear and anxiety about discrimination; risk associated with masculine presentation; and religion as stress and support); (2) interpersonal relationships (including relationships with partners, family, and in a community); (3) societal discrimination and prejudice (including harassment in public spaces and concerns about travel); and (4) civil rights, government harassment, and police-state violence. Conclusions Emerging differences emphasized the impact of race/ethnicity and the intersection of race/ethnicity and gender on experiences of marriage equality and the 2016 election. Policy Implications Findings suggest that a more nuanced understanding of the experiences of individuals with different racial/ racialized identities and the intersection of race/ethnicity with sexual identities is essential to creating culturally competent and effective supports for SMW.
Rostosky, S. S., Riggle, E. D. B., Horne, S. G., Denton, F. N., & Huellemeier, J. D. (2010).
Lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals’ psychological reactions to amendments denying
access to civil marriage. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 80(3), 302–310.
Political campaigns to deny same-sex couples the right to civil marriage have been demonstrated to increase minority stress and psychological distress in lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) individuals (S. S. Rostosky, E. D. B. Riggle, S. G. Horne, & A. D. Miller, 2009). To further explicate the psychological reactions of LGB individuals to marriage amendment campaigns, a content analysis was conducted of open-ended responses from 300 participants in a national online survey that was conducted immediately following the November 2006 election. LGB individuals indicated that they felt indignant about discrimination; distressed by the negative rhetoric surrounding the campaigns; fearful and anxious about protecting their relationships and families; blaming of institutionalized religion, ignorance, conservative politicians, and the ineffective political strategies used by LGBT organizers; hopeless and resigned; and, finally, hopeful, optimistic, and determined to keep fighting for justice and equal rights. These 7 themes are illustrated and discussed in light of their implications for conceptualizing and intervening to address discrimination and its negative psychological effects.
Rostosky, S. S., Riggle, E. D. B., Horne, S. G., & Miller, A. D. (2009). Marriage amendments
and psychological distress in lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) adults. Journal of
Counseling Psychology, 56(1), 56–66.
An online survey of lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) adults (N 1,552) examined minority stress (I. H. Meyer, 2003) and psychological distress following the 2006 general election in which constitutional amendments to limit marriage to 1 man and 1 woman were on the ballot in 9 states. Following the November election, participants living in states that passed a marriage amendment reported significantly more minority stress (i.e., exposure to negative media messages and negative conversations, negative amendment-related affect, and LGB activism) and higher levels of psychological distress (negative affect, stress, and depressive symptoms) than participants living in the other states. Multiple hierarchical regression analyses revealed significant positive main effects of minority stress factors and state ballot status on psychological distress. In addition, the association between amendment-related affect and psychological distress was significantly higher in states that had passed a marriage amendment compared with other states. Discussion of these findings emphasizes that marriage amendments create an environment associated with negative psychological outcomes for LGB individuals.
Russell, G. M., & Richards, J. A. (2003). Stressor and Resilience Factors for Lesbians, Gay Men
and Bisexuals Confronting Antigay Politics. American Journal of Community
Psychology, 31(3–4), 313–328.
When lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) people encounter antigay campaigns and elections, they face explicit and implicit homophobic attacks. In order to understand the points of stress and the bases for resilience in the face of these attacks, we developed a 130-item quantitative survey on the basis of results of an earlier qualitative study. Three hundred, sixteen Colorado LGB people endorsed items representing sources of stress and sources of resilience associated with the campaign for and passage of an antigay referendum. Factor analyses of the results suggested 5 sources of stressors and 5 sources of resilience for LGB persons and their communities.
Tran, J. T., Loecher, N., Kosyluk, K. A., & Bauermeister, J. A. (2023). Anti‐lgbtq+ sex education laws: The effects on students and implications for schools and school practitioners. Psychology in the Schools.
Anti‐Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and/or Queer (LGBTQ+) education laws are defined as laws that prohibit or limit schools from discussing same‐sex relationships, broader sexuality, and gender issues in their sexual education curriculum. This study presents a historical context of anti‐LGBTQ+ sex education laws, examines the extant literature on the possible impact of these laws, and suggests recommendations for schools and school practitioners. Anti‐LGBTQ+ sex education laws may impact school climate and have been associated with poorer well‐being for LGBTQ+ students and cisgender heterosexual allies that encompass a range of sexual orientations and gender identities. With an Executive Order from the US president outlining the need to support LGBTQ+ youth in schools and the US Surgeon General's Advisory to highlight the urgent need to address the nation's youths' mental health, it is imperative to support LGBTQ+ students. We offer strategies that may be used to address anti‐LGBTQ+ sex education laws by school administrators and practitioners in a call for advocacy to make changes in sex education policy to improve the well‐being of students, particularly LGBTQ+ youth.