A COVID-19 Message
Because our communities are under extra stress during this time of social distancing and COVID-19, taking care of ourselves and each other is even more important. LGBTQmentalhealth.com has freely available online writing exercises for LGBTQ+ people dealing with the stress associated with heterosexism and with transphobia. In addition to providing resources for individuals, participating in this writing contributes to our research on supports for LGBTQ+ people negotiating prejudice.
· Our preliminary research has shown that our exercises on heterosexism are experienced as helpful for a large majority of people (about 90%).
· These exercises most often helped people make progress in coping with stigma, reducing feelings of stress, and lifting feelings of depression.
· These activities can be especially helpful now as LGBTQ+ people may face new issues, such as having to live with others who are rejecting of their identities, having work-related challenges complicated by discriminatory attitudes, seeking medical care in not affirming spaces, lacking access to typical supports, and experiencing increased stigma.
Feel free to forward this message and our exercises to LGBTQ+ people on your list serves. They can learn more about the exercises, our LGBTQ+ affirmative team, and our projects, at https://lgbtqmentalhealth.com/grow.
We wish you and your communities health and peace.